







C++ for Non-C Programmers


This course is an introduction to modern software engineering concepts of construction using object-oriented programming and design. In this programming paradigm, programs are organized into two distinct parts: the application itself (the client) and the classes used by the application (the servers).

The organization of this course reflects the organization of object-oriented programs.

  • Client Synthesis. Participants will learn how to build applications using a general-purpose server class library instead of developing applications from scratch each time.
  • Server Synthesis. The participants will learn how to develop new classes from scratch and from existing classes.
  • There is an extensive number of case studies and hands-on laboratory exercises that typically require students to extend of complete a case study program.

    Who Should Take This Class? This course is designed for system analysts, software developers and engineers. Knowledge of a modern structured-programming language such as C or Pascal is helpful but not necessary.

    Course Outline:

    Overview of Object-Oriented Programming:

    The Modular Programming Model
    The Client-Server Model
    Encapsulation and Data Abstraction
    User Defined Types and Classes
    Composition, Parameterized Types and Inheritance
    Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding

    Client Synthesis

    Data Abstraction
    Data Abstraction: A Basis for Program Modularization
    Object: Instances of Types
    Separating Interface and Implementation
    Features for Data Abstraction and User Defined Types

    Sample Class Library
    Reusable Software Components
    The Class Library: String, Linked List, Ordered Collection, Array, Set and Map
    The Class Library's Syntactic and Semantic Interface
    Examples: Using the Class Library
    Enforcement of the Interface
    Server Synthesis

    Implementing New Classes
    Classes for User Defined Types
    Data Members and Member Functions
    Data Visibility
    Object Constructors and Destructors
    Simulating Features of Built-in Types
    Changing Implementations without Changing Interfaces
    Examples: Implementations of General-Purpose Classes
    Key Concepts Creating User-Defined Types by Composition
    Interface between a class and its member objects
    Techniques for creating a new class with member classes
    Member object initialization
    Copy constructors
    Implementation of general-purpose classes that use composition

    Creating User-Defined Parameterized Types

    Interface between parameterized type and its type arguments
    Notation for parameterized types
    Simulating parameterized types
    Implementation of general-purpose classesthat use parameterized types

    Creating User-Defined Types with Inheritance

    Creating new classes with inheritance
    Type hiererarchy and class hierarchy
    Information hiding
    Default object copying language mechanisms
    Implementation of some of the general-purpose classes that use inheritance

    Extending Existing Types with Dynamic Binding

    Example of dynamic binding
    Status versus dynamic binding
    Dynamic binding and inheritance
    Virtual functions and the dynamic binding.

    Introduction and Overview of C++ Two Approaches to Programming
    Procedural Programming
    Object-Oriented Programming

    Goals of the C++ Language
    Promotion: A Discipline for Reuse

    Encapsulation and Data Hiding
    Restaurant Programming
    Semantically Consistent Polymorphism
    Semantically Disparate Polymorphism
    Data Abstraction Reusable Software
    Software Architecture
    Problem domain -> Software Domain
    Encapsulating human expertise
    Portability, Maintainability, Testability
    Organizing Software
    Package Data and Operations
    C++ As Better C Program Structure
    Memory Management
    Value Semantics
    Class User Programming in C++ Types and user-defined types
    User-defined types and classes
    The concept of reusable software components
    Demonstrate reusable software components
    Examples that use user-defined types
    Class Synthesis for Class Users Part I Introduction Value Semantics
    Middle Ground

    Class Synthesis Using Built-In Data Types
    C++ Support for OOAD (Object-Oriented Analysis and Design)
    Aggregation and class synthesis
    Inheritance, mix-ins and class synthesis
    Class Synthesis for Class Users Part II Containers Arrays
    Multiply dimensioned arrays

    Lvalues and Rvalues
    Returning References
    Constant arguments

    Defining I/O for Containers
    Members, Friends & C-Style Function

    Hughes Class Library (HCL) Class Synthesis Value Semantics with Pointers Default constructors
    Conversion constructors
    Copy constructors
    Assignment operators

    Friend, Member & C-Style Functions
    Memory Allocation
    Static (Global)
    Automatic (Local)

    Class String
    Advanced Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ A Review of Value Semantics Converting an Implementation of C Style Array to a C++ Styled Array Class
    Classes for User Defined Types
    Data Members and Member Functions
    Data Visibility
    Object Constructors and Destructors
    Implementing Value Semantics with the Five Special Member Functions
    Overloading Operators for User Defined Classes
    Defining I/O for User Defined Classes
    Avoiding name Collisions with Nested Classes
    Simulating Features of Built-In Types
    Changing Implementations without Changing Interfaces
    Examples: Implementations of General-Purpose Classes
    Creating User-Defined Types by Composition Interface between a class and its member objects
    Techniques for creating a new class with member classes
    Member object initialization
    Copy Constructors
    Implementation of general-purpose classes that use composition
    Creating User-Defined Parameterized Types Template Classes vs. Pure Abstract Classes
    Template Oddities
    Template Functions
    Implementing Multi-dimensional Arrays
    Passing Objects to Parameterized Types
    Interface between the parameterized type and its type arguments
    Notation for parameterized types
    Template Class Specialization
    Comparing Different Implementations of the Template Feature
    Perils and Merits of Nesting Classes
    Implementation of general-purpose classes that use parameterized types
    Using Inheritance with Parameterized Types
    Creating User-Defined Types with Inheritance Creating new classes with inheritance
    Type hierarchy and class hierarchy
    Information hiding
    Default object copying language mechanisms
    Implementation of some of the general-purpose classes that use inheritance
    Extending Existing Types with Dynamic Binding Example of dynamic binding
    Static versus dynamic binding
    Virtual functions and the dynamic binding
    Special Issues Static Member Functions
    User Defined Conversion
    The Prposed Exception Handling Features
    Simulating Exceptions
    Problems with Operator Overloading
    Implementing Dynamic Arrays
    Reference Count Objects

    Please contact Sieg to arrange for rapid, custom courseware development, or to inquire about his availability to deliver training to your organization: Phone 303-494-5509, Email siegfried@heintze.com.

    Siegfried Heintze
    (303) 494-5509

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